Professional footballer firefighter

De futbolista profesional a bombero
Israel González in the background, a globetrotter football became firefighter. Foto; Guashilandia

Last update 19 August, 2017 por Alberto Llopis

Over the years we have seen some cases of professional footballers to stop their activities have not ended or as coaches, or as commentators, or anything related to football, rather something different activities as a singer, dockworker and a long list. This is the case of the protagonist of this article that changed the pitch by the fire suit and hose. Professional footballer firefighter.

Israel Gonzalez, did not have a bestial race but went through some teams today are the elite. Nacido en 1972 en Barcelona, he forged his career away from his hometown. It was formed in the quarry of Atletico Madrid, He went through the Ourense where he debuted in the 94/95 Second Division and Second B by Pontevedra, Burgos and Sherry Knight where marked 15 goles. Levante at that time had an agreement with the Jerez de los Caballeros, which he had already signed several players, He was signed to play in Segunda season 1999-2000.

Granota in the box was in the shadow of Paco Salillas that year was the top scorer of Second and became the legendary striker spare Aragonese. After only one year as granota, he went to Toledo and then to Cadiz where it would become a historic player. Israel, He scored the goal that led to Cadiz second after 9 years in the wilderness of Second B. Palamos, Zamora and Guijuelo completed a history shared between Second and Second B.

Turns that gives life and as according to account in an interview with gaditano medium, Direct Cádiz, a stroke of fate led him to stand for testing a firefighter in Bejar 74 km of Salamanca, a whole football globetrotter also to finish his destiny as a member of the fire department in the area. A case certainly unique, but not the only one in the world of football.

israel de bombero cadiz directo
Israel firefighter posing for the middle Cádiz Direct.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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