Players who gained much after leaving football

Futbolistas que engordaron y mucho tras dejar el fútbol
Winston Bogarde looks well after removal of a few years ago playing fields. FOTO:

Last update 27 August, 2021 por Alberto Llopis

Footballers often get fat after leaving football. Age does not pass in vain for anyone even for young players who populate the fields of professional football world. Years of controlled diet and daily workouts, They make physical athletic look.

Sin embargo, many of them when they retire and leave this life, joined as they get older all, They are gaining kilos just not very usual in an average adult. Away from those footballers who they got very muscular after leaving football, These former players went all the way back after leaving professional football.

Some cases of players who gained much after leaving football

Sneijder gordo solo 13 días después de retirarse
So Orondo appeared the Dutch Sneijder. The point is that a month ago he had left professional football. FOTO: Twitter


futbolistas que engordaron
Mono Burgos has also brought a large belly since he left the pitch. FOTO: Besoccer

futbolistas que engordaron y mucho
Thomas Brolin marveled at 90 with his football. His boyish face gave way to fair resemblance to John Candy.

Adriano cambió el "Six Pack" por una papada y una barriga notables.
Adriano changed “Six Pack” by a double chin and belly notables. FOTO:Brand

De Pedro tenía una zurda espectacular pero la dieta se le fue de las manos tras retirarse.
Peter had a spectacular left-handed but diet is out of hand after retiring. FOTO: Twitter


Viqueira siempre tuvo problemas con el peso como jugador. Cuando se retiró pues eso.
Viqueira always struggled with weight as a player. When he retired for that. FOTO: Brand


Javi Moreno triunfó en el Alavés entre otros y llegó a jugar en el Milán. Después subió un poco de peso.
Javi Moreno triumphed in Alaves among others and got to play in Milan. After he rose a little weight. FOTO: Twitter

futbolistas que engordaron
Maradona's weight problems (1960-2020) They were a constant during the second part of his life PHOTO:

La imagen de Tristan pasado de peso llamó la atención de las redes sociales.
The image overweight Tristan caught the attention of social networks. FOTO: Twitter

futbolistas que engordaron
From his serious injury, Ronaldo always had weight problems, aggravated by inactivity. FOTO: Infobae

futbolistas que engordaron
Vieri, another one of those players who gained weight after leaving football. FOTO: Besoccer

futbolistas que engordaron
Ronaldinho was definitely gave the good life after leaving the pitch. FOTO: Capture /Youtube

futbolistas que engordaron
Onesimo, King Dodge in Spanish football 80-90 He also gained weight much after leaving football. FOTO: the Mexico

futbolistas que engordaron
Suker was one of the players who took some kilos with age and inactivity. FOTO: the Mexico

jugadores que engordaron, Zahovic
The former Valencia Zahovic is another who lost kilos after leaving football. FOTO: ABC Sevilla

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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