Football world people who needed a language course

Gente del mundo del fútbol que necesitó un curso de idiomas
Sergio Ramos and legendary "Morry Christmas". Fuente:

Last update 14 October, 2016 por Alberto Llopis

They say that football is a universal language, with the ball, no need to speak more languages. Fortunately because the protagonists of this article had it or have enough black to defend themselves in another language other than that of Cervantes. We review the world of football people who needed a language course and very urgently.

Jesus Gil y Gil, “Magic english”

Emery and his theory of competition in French and with water bottles

Joachim and his Italian quirky

If Italian is peculiar Joaquin, Tevez is for the note

Laundry “trying” speak French, his clear way

Guillermo Amor speaking “spanglish”

Juande Ramos, el “bilingual”

The nature male Iberian, Jose Antonio Camacho, speaking in Portuguese. Grande

Y como no, Sergio Ramos could not miss with his “Morry Christmas”

football hung

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