Serge Alain Maguy, one of the rarest signings in the history of Atletico Madrid

Serge Alain Maguy, uno de los fichajes más raros de la historia del Atlético de Madrid
Jesús Gil y su fichaje de Maguy. Una historia bastante curiosa. PHOTOMONTAGE: hanging

Last update 6 May, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Serge Alain Maguy It has all the numbers to be on the list the worst players in the history of Atlético de Madrid. The African, It was one of many bizarre and suspicious signings that made the always controversial Jesus Gil, fashionable again thanks to HBO, “The pioneer”.

In case of Maguy, It has certain similarities with Ali Dia, with the proviso that the player born in Ivory Coast 1970, It was at least footballer. Of questionable quality to reach the League, si, but officially football player. Truth is like the story, this verges on the surreal.

Maguy was champion of the Africa Cup 1992

The Ivorian footballer participated with the Ivory Coast team that won the African Cup of 1992. Con un esquema ultradefensivo y un fútbol rácano según la crónicas de la época, Ivory Coast Africa box champion proclaimed without any player who seemingly stand out. In that team he was Maguy, that was one more, apparently a player heap.

A good day, This football player came to Madrid to play Atletico Madrid. Era 1993 and he came from a team called Africa Sports. With this curriculum and to the disbelief of everyone, Jesus Gil y Gil took the alternative. In line with the always strong athletic former president, He replied that it was a rough diamond and what he had seen in two videos. When they asked about the opinion of the technicians about, Gil replied: “I do not care what you think, I've seen it and it is enough, I am told that it is a diamond in the rough”.

El fraude de fichaje de Maguy por el Atlético de Madrid

The true story or at least which came to light, It was very different. Gil, He had business interests in Ivory Coast, In fact shortly before, He had been appointed Consul of the African country in Madrid. Soon came this strange footballer from there, no one knew him and no one knew anything about him. Coincidence did not seem.

The point is that Maguy, He came to swell the ranks of the mattress set at the rate of eighty million pesetas, which they were many millions with the merit of having played in the Ivorian League and have worn the shirt of a team equivalent to a Spanish Primera Regional.

His background as expected, It was poor, Almost nil. He played eight games, almost off the bench where obviously his lack of qualities were seen to be in a tournament requiring League.

Maguy debutó con el Atlético de Madrid sustituyendo a Kiko.
Maguy debut with Atletico Madrid replacing Kiko. FOTO: Brand

El jugador, and then she counted in an interview, It was housed in one of the most luxurious residential areas of Madrid where all neighbor had a Spanish icon, very fashionable in recent times, the great Julio Iglesias with whom we do not know if one day he crossed throwing garbage.

As is obvious Maguy, I had to leave Atletico Madrid to return home and play in clubs as prestigious as one called “The satelite”. By the way, and as he acknowledged later, of those eighty million would charge, He did not charge a single one. Don Jesus things.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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