Griezmann and the club together, al fin, Their paths

Griezmann y el Barça juntan, al fin, sus caminos
Antoine Griezmann debut in the friendly match between Barcelona and Chelsea in Japan. FOTO: Yahoo sports

Last update 25 July, 2019 por Alberto Llopis

“One of the soap operas of this transfer market and all last season, It ended. Output Antoine Griezmann Atletico Madrid has not been the most peaceful and comfortable ... and the same can be said of his arrival in Barcelona. The French world champion decided to jump into the champions league and leave behind a rojiblanca five years experience which has been one of the main architects of the titles won by the group led by Cholo Simeone. Antoine new stage and new phase for the club that, now yes, join paths.

Barca gain from this move. They have not only removed a reference on the front of one of his main rivals in the fight for titles, but reinforce an offensive position where the Catalans had long hobbled, and do so with a player of guarantees. To his 28 años, French striker has proved versatile in attack positions and, con el chip de Simeone implemented, his ability to play and fight for the team and to enlarge.

Knows perfectly the Spanish League and international leagues, where perfection has learned what is important titles played. To all this it is important to add that is a champion of the world. Their 28 years provide you optimum maturity to know how to deal with a new professional challenge and adapt to Barça DNA from a role that must be earned. He speaks the language and have in your wardrobe, for now, players with whom he has shared moments in the French national team, to add another plus for arrival.

If we look at the image having Antoine outside the sporting side, we see that the signing has raised doubts among the directors and the Barca fans. His childish uncertainty and its rejection of the Catalan offer last season closed the door to many fans and players who denied the incorporation of the French international. But Griezmann is a safe bet seeing that Luis Suarez is not infinite and that the goals in the Camp Nou, increasingly as, leaving the Leo boots.

There are few weeks to start the season and has already seen the inclusion of the French in preparation matches Barça. Good feelings, after all, It is what you should start doing to win over the fans from minute one party. And these preparations also can see betting, which are prepared to offer the best and one of them is Luckia and information about your betting bonus, with which you can help to follow all the developments of the club and all First Division teams is in this link

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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