“Guti is going to be the coach of Real Madrid”

“Guti va a ser el entrenador del Real Madrid”
Guti is still one of the candidates to sit on the bench for Real Madrid (Foto: Free Press)

Last update 8 June, 2018 por Javi Argudo

The earthquake that generated the unexpected farewell Zidane as Real Madrid coach still active and continues to generate all kinds of speculation about who will be the next coach merengue. One of the many names that have appeared in the media is that of Guti, which until now he had led the Real Madrid youth with good results.

The bomb launched yesterday the president of Real Murcia, Victor Galvez, at a press conference that claimed he had been negotiating with former player to be take charge of the first team grana but this was not possible because “Guti is going to be the coach of Real Madrid”. The highest representative of all Murcia explained that he was meeting with Guti but just then Zidane announced his departure from the Bernabeu.

Throughout the day the names of coaches much prestige as Pochettino, Klopp, Löw or Allegri have emerged as possible replacements for Zizou in front of Real Madrid but all seem to me very complicated because they have a contract in force in their respective clubs and are not likely to leave. Guti name is on the table and he would be happy to make the leap to the team of his life. Eso sí, move from youth to first team would be a tremendous change since Zidane, at least, He is coaching the Castilla in Segunda B when he took over the team.

Javi Argudo

Football Geek. The first great experience of my life was to discover the PC Football. You can follow me on @JaviArgudo
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