Raul Gonzalez Blanco 'tab’ Pochettino Tottenham

Raúl González Blanco ‘ficha’ por el Tottenham de Pochettino
Raúl this morning with Llorente (Foto: Tottenham)

Last update 3 May, 2018 por Javi Argudo

It has been one of the surprises of English training set. The presence of Raul Gonzalez Blanco, former Real Madrid, in the work of Tottenham Hotspur whose photos have been uploaded by the London club to its website together with Llorente among others.

The former Spanish worked as one commanded by Argentine coach Mauricio Pochettino but, evidently, will not be part of the template. The Madrilenian has trained with the rest of the group as part of his course to become a coach. Sin embargo, see Raúl dressed in the official clothing of the Spurs It has been quite curious.

In principle, the first team coach Raul will be the Youth B Real Madrid next season, to see if we are making an important technical career, as he did as a player.

Javi Argudo

Football Geek. The first great experience of my life was to discover the PC Football. You can follow me on @JaviArgudo
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