Inglaterra, Can you talk about favorite team?

Inglaterra, ¿se puede hablar de selección favorita?

Last update 6 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

England does not appear in any betting favorites for the next World Cup in Brazil. Normal if we consider that the champion 1966 He has never gone beyond the quarter 1990 y de ese 1966 and accumulating failure after failure in recent championships. Sin embargo, beyond that, It should have respect and a lot of British.

A team that brings together Lampard, Gerrard, Rooney, Welbek, Sturridge, Hart or Cole could explode at any moment and perhaps, Brasil, the last chance for many of them, it can be the place where it occurs. It's true, que el grupo de la muerte, Uruguay and Italy with more powerful rivals does not help them but does not seem logical to underestimate the level that many do.

England with Hodgson on the bench bet to play on the counterattack, by fiarlo all a fearsome front, a midfield with plenty of arrival. Sin embargo, He will always have the lamentations. Problems in defense and especially, play in building. It will cost you carry the weight of the game, but against tough opposition, maybe that's a relief and allow him to develop his scheme.

It is unclear even what the real objective of English for Brazil, but if you stick to recent friendlies against Chile and Germany, we can see how the British seem to be a step below the major powers. True or false? Brazilian lands will be responsible for confirm.

Rooney es la gran estrella de Inglaterra.
Rooney is the star of England.


  • A devastating attack. Rooney, Sturridge, Wellbeck. England has to choose from and it seems that whoever the offensive bet, much goal and unbalancing player to a meeting alone.
  • Gerrard y Lampard. We are talking about two superclasses before his last chance. All or nothing. Abundance and quality as if Gerrard, also it seems to get in good form.
  • Ganas. England has long without getting away. Además, They have appeared interesting young people can have their first opportunity in Brazil and remove the old ghosts of generations. Eye on Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain, Ross Barkley and other new wise.

Weak points:

  • Group D. We are talking about the group of death with Uruguay, Italy and Costa Rica. Almost anything apparatus. Pass and would meet, but it's over quartered Spain or Brazil appears. It seems a very tough draw.
  • La portería. Almost certainly will be the goalkeeper Hart. In recent times it is still the great Achilles heel of England. Good goalkeeper the CITIZEN, but the pressure of the media always plays a trick.
  • Falta de creatividad. You are missing one Xabi Alonso, un Pirlo. England does not have a constructor rather than insist that Lampard or Gerrard could be at any given time.
  • The penalties. England has fallen on many occasions in batches of penatis. Not Portugal on the road (his executioner in the World 2006 and the Eurocup 2004), but still you need to be aware of the importance of specialists from eleven meters.




Hodgson dirigirá su primer Mundial con Inglaterra.
Hodgson will direct his first World Cup with England.

Roy Hodgson is a globetrotter football. Knower of up to seven languages, and he led away to Switzerland in 1994 until the alighted Spain. This has the advantage of knowing some players who spent many years being measured in the Premier. Sin embargo, Hodgson there is something that worries beyond his extensive experience leading many teams.

Its ultra-defensive character selection. England should play offensively with good players who have, be strong and look of goal. Hodgson prefers otherwise. Kickback and wait rival. tough challenge, more demanding and hopeful audience to finally see the creators of football to play well.


– Campeona del mundo (1966).

– Twice a semifinalist of Euro.

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982
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