Countries premiums for winning the World: The Curious Case of Spain

Las primas de los países por ganar el Mundial: el curioso caso de España

Last update 5 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

The Spanish team seems to act as world champion in every way. Within the field and off it. This is indicated by the agreement that players have come with the Federation facing the distribution of raw materials for the next World Cup. Each of the 23 Vicente del Bosque footballers charged 720.000 per head in the event of winning the second World.

A high figure compared with 600.000 charged by winning the World Cup in South Africa and the context that lives a dip in a tremendous economic crisis where unemployment and corruption are enormous social ills country. While it is true that the Federation obtains its benefits for herself (some of them with friendly anywhere in the world), it is interesting to compare this new deal with other countries much more powerful economically.

Spain charge for win his second star more than double that France, Brazil and Germany and 210.000 euros more than Argentina, the second country that pays its players to lift the Jules Rimet Cup. Even England seems able to overcome 500.000 euros despite ago 38 years not taste the world title.

Made public the amount, Now we just need to know what money earmarked players and whether it would be for them or for some social work. A good reputation is at stake.

Premium player for winning the World:

España: 720.000 €

Argentina: 510.000 €

Inglaterra: 350.000 pounds

Francia: 330.000 €

Brasil: 300.000 €

Germany: 300.000 €

Ghana: 130.000 €

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982
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