Italy is no longer Italy

Italia ya no es Italia

Last update 5 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Italy is not what it used to be. It has not been able to qualify for the round of 16 of a World Cup for the eleventh time in its history. He has not done it because he has lost in agony after enduring more than half an hour with one less against Uruguay but without being able to save a header from Diego Godín with less than ten minutes to go.

And it is that Italy was a team used to winning World Cups or going very far starting from nowhere. En 1970, for example he reached the last 16 with a single goal in favor and only four points in the locker. Four points that have served him to pass in 1986, 1994 o 2002. Curious was the case and 1994 where it happened with a quadruple draw in its group in which all teams finished with the same goal difference, only that the transalpinos scored more than the other three rivals.

The mother of all battles and caroms was lived in 1982. That year Italy won its third World Cup after going to the second phase without any victory.. Bad game and criticism that turned into good game and triumphs from the second phase to end up giving him the third champion star.

La suerte de antes es ahora esquiva para Italia, la tercera selección con más rojas en Mundiales.
The luck of before is now elusive for Italy, the third selection with more reds in World Cups.

Italy was a team used to these agonies. Sin embargo, that seems to be over now. Eliminated in the first round in Brazil, in South Africa they followed the same path without even winning a match. Aquí, yes they have, beating England in one of the best games of the World Cup.

Sin embargo, it's worth nothing. His stupid game of the last two games has led him to not score any goals, to not make any noteworthy move and to end up eliminated assuming the end of the Pirlo or Buffon generation, two emblems of the “azurra” and two of the best, nuevamente. Sooner or later football punishes you and Italy already knows that luck is not eternal.

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982
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