Older players who played in the World Cup

Los jugadores más viejos que jugaron en un Mundial

Last update 25 June, 2014 por Alberto Llopis

El Mundial de Brasil de 2014 leaves an exceptional new record. By participating in the Colombia-Japan, Colombian Faryd Mondragón, It passes into history as the oldest player to participate in a World. You know who the older players who have never played in a World Cup?. As usual, what you have.

1-Faryd Mondragon

He 24 de junio de 2014 He has written a new record in the history of the World Cup. Colombian goalkeeper Faryd Mondragón, Ospina replaced in the match against Colombia was sentenced Japan. At that moment, Mondragon, with their 43 years and 2 days, He became the oldest player playing in a World Cup. His first participation was in 1994 y 20 años después, past forty, He has managed to break a record that will take a long time to overcome.

Con 43 años y dos días, Mondragón se convierte en el jugador más veterano de la historia de los Mundiales.
Con 43 years and two days, Mondragon became the oldest player in World Cup history.

2-Roger Milla

Nothing more and nothing less than with 42 años, 1 month and 8 days, Cameroon striker played Roger Milla in the World USA 94. In addition to having the record for being the oldest guy who has never played a World Cup appointment, US got another record. With his goal to Russia in the match when Salenko set another record by scoring 5 goles, He became the oldest player to score a goal in World Cup history and that came to the appointment of 1994 It is retired and issues figurative meramentes. It is also the only outfield player list.

3-Patt Jennings

English Pat Jennings played in Mexico 1986 con 41 años. The veteran goalkeeper, He had made his debut with the shirt of Northern Ireland 22 años antes, en 1964 when it was almost a teenager and past 40, He kept goal for the last time just the day he turned 41 years in Aztec appointment. It is the player who more times has been international in the history of Northern Ireland.

4-Peter Shilton

England goalkeeper will go down in history as one of the best goalkeepers who have given the British Isles and for being the man who conceded the most memorable goal in World Cup history, dialing Diego Armando Maradona. Sin embargo, It would also be remembered for being one of the most veteran players to play in a World Cup. Did 4 years after the Mexican appointment, in Italy 1990 where he played with age 40 años, 4 months and 19 days.

Peter Shilton jugó dos Mundiales al final de su carrera.
Peter Shilton played two World Cups at the end of his career.

5-Dino Zoff

Italian Dino Zoff played in Spain in 1982 con 40 años, 4 months and only 6 Peter Shilton days less than in 1986 being in his older player playing time FIFA World Cup. If you hold the record is to be the oldest champion in history since Italy, He won the World 1982 with Zoff in goal.

6-but Boumnijel

For its position in the field, porters often stretch over their careers. That's why, the last protagonist was also goalkeeper. Tunisian goalkeeper appeared in the World 2006 in Germany with 40 años, 2 months and 12 days. Your selection did not pass the first round but he was able to enter history this curious fact.

Ali Boumnijel pasó a la historia a pesar de su selección.
Ali Boumnijel made history despite its selection.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Colgadosporelfutbol.com. Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol


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