From professional handball player to international, the things of the 2020

De jugador de balonmano profesional a internacional, las cosas del 2020
Jakobsen, from international in handball to soccer in 10 months. FOTO: Faroe Islands Instagram

Last update 16 November, 2020 por Alberto Llopis

Hilmar Leon Jakobsen portrays well how strange and surreal this is being 2020 en general. This man born in the Faroe Islands, leaves us another of those stories that are worth seeing to believe. Yours in particular, go from being international with the handball team of your country to being international with the football team in such a single 10 months and with the crisis del coronavirus as protagonist.

Hilmar Leon Jakobsen the player who finished in the Faroe Islands team by Covid

The Faroese player made his debut in the November national team break against Lithuania and also played against Latvia. The curious thing about the theme of this' new’ footballer is that in January he was playing handball and was international with his country. At the time of the ‘pandemic’ I was playing the qualifying phase for the Handball World Cup but the stoppage of the whole planet due to Covid changed everything.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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