Do you know Jürgen Damm?

¿Conoces a Jürgen Damm?

Last update 5 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Jürgen Damm is Hispanic fastest player in the world and second in overall the world only surpassed by the Welshman Gareth Bale. At least this says FIFA who in an official study, They decreed that the Mexican with German roots as the name suggests, It is one of the bullets men of world football ahead of people like Cristiano Ronaldo not go far.

More than speed must have this young player born in 1992 in Veracruz, Mexico paid by Tigres 10 millones de dolares, unos 8,5 Pachuca million euros for his transfer. An amount that strikes it in Europe would be a price for a player TOP. Damm debuted in the Mexican professional football with just 19 years and with 22 it was international with Mexico.

It debuted at Estudiantes Tecos where happened to Pachuca. In May 2015 Tigers broke the bank to take the player for a fortune and to complete one of the templates more expensive not only in Mexico but throughout Latin America. FIFA certification stating that Damm is able to run more than 35 km / h with the ball at his feet, which according to the same study only overcomes Bale, He made his name sound more international football fans.

Followed by many large European, this fast Mexican electric football end attached to the lime, pointing to Europe. Aim your name that does not lack qualities and possibly, to not take will be protagonist of a money move to a European club. In Colgados we will be very attentive to his career.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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