The “They had a league”, the solution to the Dutch and Belgian leagues

La “Beneliga”, la solución para las ligas holandesa y belga

Last update 26 December, 2012 por Julio Muñoz

Standard Liege is willing to apply to join the French football league if not successful the creation of a 'Beneliga', A draft competition that would bring together the best Belgian and Dutch teams, He has assured its president, Roland Duchâtelet, in an interview published today.

“Or we associate with Holland to create a 'Beneliga’ Belgian football or disappear by natural death”, He noted Duchâtelet the daily group 'Sudpresse'.

Businessman, Standard from owner 2011, defends the need to unite the two great clubs Benelux countries to compete with the strongest championships and ensure their economic survival.

The idea of ​​a 'Beneliga’ It is circulating for several years and, according Duchâtelet, backed teams like Anderlecht and Bruges in Belgium and Ajax and PSV Eindhoven in the neighboring country.

President of Standard advocates a competition with 20 clubes, divided between the two countries according to their population (12 Dutch and 8 Belgians) and they would be selected after a qualifying campaign.

Duchâtelet explained that its intention is that the idea crystallizes within two years and has threatened to take action if they do not get ahead. “If this project is unsuccessful, Standard asked join the Ligue 1 francesa. Statutorily possible, if the French agree”, He indicated.

The set of Liege, one of the great classics of Belgian football, currently fifth in the national championship, which has 16 teams in the top flight. The Belgian league is governed from 2009 by a new system of competition in two phases with which he has tried to reinvent itself with the progressive loss of interest from fans, TV with access to major European competitions.

Almost all the Belgian stars play in tournaments like the English Premier League, which they militate among others Eden Hazard, Vincent Kompany, Marouane Fellaini of Romelu Lukaku.

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982
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