Manchester United 4-Newcastle 3: Chicharito gives victory to the “red devils” In the last minute

Manchester United 4-Newcastle 3: Chicharito da la victoria a los “red devils” en el último minuto

Last update 26 December, 2012 por Julio Muñoz

The roller coaster in which lives Manchester United, rival Madrid in Champions, He had a happy ending. Newcastle put forward three times marker, but he ended up falling in the discount thanks to a goal from Chicharito, Talisman Ferguson.

The staging of United was very poor. Perch's goal four minutes of play, after clearance of De Gea, decentered and gave him wings to set Alan Pardew, who moved with ease in Old Trafford and always created danger. Neither Carrick and Scholes had control of the game in the first half and Manchester, he could not count on Wayne Rooney (he started Chicharito), I was at the mercy of Newcastle.

Aun así, Central Evans managed to tie the 25 minutos, But three after Newcastle regained the advantage in a highly controversial move. Evans scored on his own net while trying to avoid the auction of Cisse, I was offside. Dean, el colegiado, first annulled both, but then he gave weight. Before the break, Marveaux launched the crossbar.

A return of the rest, Manchester United went released by the meeting and was also exposed to the cons of the 'Magpies'. Evra equalized again and get ahead, for the third time, el Newcastle, Cisse goal in assistance after Obertan, former Manchester and who had just entered. But two minutes later, Van Persie ruled left a scramble in the penalty area and signed the 3-3 in a duel seamless, definitely on the brink of madness.

In those comings and goings he lost a great opportunity Chicharito and forced to work Marveaux De Gea. Mexico claimed a penalty and crashed a header off the post in close shot without opposition. And when it seemed that Newcastle would hold the final arreón, Chicharito own, a pass from Carrick, signed the death triumph Red Devils. An even more perfect ending with the defeat of neighbor, the city, pursuer in Sunderland.

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982
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