The coach's cross

La cruz del entrenador

Last update 6 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Coaching is one of the hardest things in the world of sport. Any of them, Whatever you do a coach, always have someone who questions his work. It's something that never fails, mathematical. We see elite coaches, in this case football is the sport that concerns us, even reaching the highest levels are criticized for their proposals or ideas. Any tier will speak and he will know more.

If we go to grassroots, difficult terrain, many are those who quietly put on trial the coach's job. No matter the category, pre-benjamin on juvenile, there will always be someone nonconforming more than you know, coach friend. And that's where we wonder then why we do this work if it is very difficult for anyone to recognize. The answer is simple, to coach you must take it from within. Tier coaches band and there are many, giving coaches really step up and catch a team few.

And today to coach have to study the different levels where greasy concepts, details, ideas and teach you to prepare for this sport. We will spend a lot of time and several years to get your different cards of coach.

Then you suck a multitude of matches from the base, from field to field by your city or even province, year after year moving up, working with kids. Trying to learn and squeeze the most of what you have learned so hard in those courses that give you a card that says you're coach, which they do not have those who know more than you and put you green from the stands. But that will soon say you have given.

But anyway all that, and those outside do not know how to differentiate a direct attack of a positional attack. A defense-attack transition will sound political to them and they will talk about through balls instead of deep passes or into space as if they were playing Play.. They have managed a group of kids and they have never run a football team but the coach simply has no idea, you have to climb the lines or strong shoots to top, we will fix it. And above, but you know but that friend coach, will always be your cross.

Few will be with you in defeat but contributions other important values ​​but the feeling of a job well done is all that should matter to you because you're so coach. If you care what others say, you had devoted to something else.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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