The Cup final 1995 He was played on two different days

La final de Copa de 1995 se jugó en dos días diferentes
The Cup final 1995 pasó a la historia por el diluvio que provocó que se jugara en 2 days, Fue la final del agua. FOTO: Youtube Capture

Last update 17 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

There was a 24 de junio de 1995 but for some it seems like yesterday. Valencia and Deportivo Coruna faced in the final of the Copa del Rey this year at the Santiago Bernabeu. Los valencianistas, they reached a final after two almost two decades of very little relevance while the athletes, they faced their first final and the possibility of reaching a title after having lost the League at the last minute and missing a penalty a year before. Precisamente ante el Valencia.

La final tenía todos los ingredientes de partido grande. Las finales, eran igualadas y otros equipos que no fueran los grandes, tenían posibilidad de ser campeones. This is how the match went, fought like the most and that he was tied to 1 after Manjarín's goals for Depor and Mijatovic for Valencia.

The Cup final 1995: La final del agua que se jugó en 2 días diferentes

A final that was interrupted in the minute 79 when the sky seemed to open up over Madrid to release a true universal deluge that ended up flooding not only the lawn and the stands of the Madrid Coliseum but even the changing room tunnel. The image of the players running to the changing rooms before the downpour was one of the many mythical images of a final that was so atypical that it was marked in the history of the competition.

Final de Copa de 1995/final del agua
Así se veían los túneles de vestuarios del Bernabéu aquel día. FOTO: Youtube Capture


El partido se reanudó 3 días después y el Depor se llevó la Copa

The match, had to resume three days later to play the 11 minutos que faltaban. A few minutes that were fateful for the Valencian fans and glorious for the sports fans, since with a headed goal by Alfredo Santaelena, possibly the shortest player on the pitch, who got ahead of a Zubizarreta who took him out 20 centimeters, they managed to proclaim themselves champions of the Copa del Rey for the first time in their history. Curiously, they won their second Cup title on the same stage at the mythical “Centennial“, pero eso es otra historia. The final went down in history as the final that was played on two different days.

Momento en el que Alfredo Santaelena se adelantaba a Zubizarreta para batirlo.
Moment in which Alfredo Santaelena was ahead of Zubizarreta to beat him three days after having played the first 79 minutos .

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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