New CD T-Shirt Palencia, another one of those things of modern football

La nueva camiseta del CD Palencia, otra de esas cosas del fútbol moderno
La camiseta del cuerpo humano del CD Palencia. Un horror sería poco. FOTO: CD Palencia

Last update 12 May, 2016 por Alberto Llopis

Palencia CD will once again try to attack the ascent to 2ªB. For it will play the playoff for promotion to the bronze as he did last season when they were eliminated against Atletico Levante, subsidiary Levante. However, despite the proximity of such an important appointment, the club has jumped to the media by other circumstances. Another of those T-shirts that only modern football could afford.

The thing is hitting it big in social networks. Under the hasthag #Nosdejamoslapiel, the sports brand Kappa and the club have presented a special tee for the playoff promises to talk. As if they had ripped the skin and musculature only had, the new luggage escapes conventional Palencia. We do not know if they were to ascend but the first goal is already marked media.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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