What are the best shirts in the history of Levante? Granotas, frogs in Valencia, definition or nickname given to Levante UD fans in Valencia except for the residents of the city, who, within the framework of the local sporting rivalry, brand them as ‘toads’ in response to the term ‘chotos‘ with which those of Levante brand those of Valencia.
With more than 100 years of history, Levante is the oldest club in Valencia and although the twentieth century was not very productive for granotas, If the club is experiencing a very fruitful beginning of the XXI century where growth has increased more 14-15 years than in the other almost 100 sobre todo en lalast golden decade of the club.
Like every club, an important thing throughout its history are t-shirts. On this occasion we want to remember some of those that in our opinion, son the best in the history of Levante.