The best football movies in history

Las mejores películas de fútbol de la historia
Imagen de 'The Damned United'. The film that narrates the journey of Brian Clough before arriving at champion Nottingham.

Last update 6 November, 2023 por Alberto Llopis

Elegir las best football movies in history of the cinema, It is a somewhat complicated task as it always is to make lists of this type. And it is that there are few films that have been able to show the true greatness of the king of sports. Step football on the big screen has been difficult, but we will try to collect some of the best.

The best football movies in history


The film is based on a true story called “The Party of Death”. En 1942 in full World War 2, el FC Start, a team of former players of FC Dynamo Kiev a powerful German team faced. The players of the FC Start, despite being warned that, in case of defeat, They would be executed, They won and humiliated the Germans for collective delirium.

Ukrainian players were arrested, tortured and taken to concentration camps. Although the real story was changed and softened, It is one of the best movies football history. The film is starring Michael Kane, Sylvester Stallone, Max Von Sydow, Pelé and which also involved players of the time like Ardiles or Booby Moore. It is not a work of cinema art but ‘Evasion or victory” It is one of the best movies football history.


martial arts and soccer in an explosive cocktail with fantastic dyes and comedic. That does not seem easy to digest, but the film is a real curiosity getting started loud laughter. Considered a cult comedy in the Japanese cinema, Sing is a Shaolin disciple whose ambition is to popularize kung fu, until he meets a retired footballer and Fung failed to form a team that will mix football and kung fu. It reminds us drawings of Oliver and Benji.


It is the only Spanish film in this list. Comedy about a neighborhood team in true national style. Hector Alterio, Alberto San Juan and Fernando Tejero are the main protagonists.


The God of football has also been brought to the big screen. The film chronicles the life of excesses of Argentine star, a jewel that football fans should not miss.


Certainly a masterpiece of British cinema. In black humor, the controversial history of fatal tells 44 Brian Clough days as coach Leeds United, champion football team at that time.


British film that reflects the violence and harshness of the "Hooligans". English declared as the worst nightmare and loaded with social criticism, the film is set in the behavior of the English ultras.


Jess's parents want me to be a conventional Indian girl, but she just wants to play football like David Beckham. One day, a girl her age, He invites her to join the team local women's football. His parents do not understand why you play football instead of studying law and learn to cook.

mejores películas de fútbol de la historia
“I want to be like Beckham”, one of the most iconic football tapes. FOTO: Disney Plus


Mexican Carlos Cuaron tells the story of two very different brothers, one singer and aspirations of another player who wish to pursue their dreams and succeed to get out of their dire economic situation.


Despite being punished by their parents and teachers, Qasem misbehaves at school. Instead of studying, He spends all day playing football. When he discovers that the national team will play in Tehran, decides to save enough money for the entrance and the bus ticket over there.

. GOAL (2005)

Santiago Munez is a Mexican player fleeing poverty when Newcastle signed for English. He moved to England, leaving his family and poverty for fame and money. It is the first part of the trilogy Goal. The film was made in full collaboration with FIFA. There was 2 Munez more installments where signed for Real Madrid. Both the second and the 3rd part of this trilogy are quite upgradeable.


“When Saturday Comes” It is a British film 1995 which follows the story of Jimmy Muir (starring Sean Bean), a young factory worker who dreams of becoming a professional footballer. Despite the challenges and difficulties he faces in his personal and sporting life, Jimmy works tirelessly to achieve his goal of playing for his local team, el Sheffield United. The film narrates his struggle to overcome adversity and fulfill his dream of playing in the world of professional soccer..


Originally known as 'Ultras’ but titled in Spain as 'Radical fans', this Netflix movie 2020 shows the life of the old and new guard of the Napoli fans. Although it focuses on the 'Apache’ a veteran who is tired of the ultra world, wants to get out of that life.

mejores películas de fútbol para ver
'Radical fans', an Italian film that shows the tifossi of Napoli. FOTO: Netflix

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