Leeds United dominated England in his time

El Leeds United dominó Inglaterra en sus tiempos
Leeds United a great of England. FOTO: Leeds United

Last update 24 July, 2020 por Alberto Llopis

Leeds United is one of the teams with the most titles in the history of England. If you think about the greats now called Premier League, They will come to mind Manchester United, el Manchester City, which it is the new rich, Arsenal or Liverpool among others. Well then, by history, Leeds should be on that list.

Leeds United, more of 100 years of history

The history of Leeds United started on 1919 although its way during the first decades of its history passed without much success. The club was almost fifty years wandering lower grades until the early 60, when Leeds was uncovered in Europe winning its first European title, the old woman Fairs Cup. Fue en 1968 and it would not be the last time. Los 60 and the 70's, were the golden age of the club still definitely, the most feared club at that time in the British Isles. Between the end of a decade and half of the other, the club won virtually all securities held under his belt.

Muere Jack Charlton
Jack Charlton (RIP) wearing the Leeds jersey in a game against his brother Bobby's United in a game of years 60. FOTO: BBC

Won the League Cup(League Cup) en 1968 doing double with the aforementioned Fairs Cup (although this title is not considered official) esa temporada. En 1971, He won the FA Community Shield and 1972 F.A Cup day. En la temporada 1973/74, He won another League. To complete two decades of real gold, Leeds United fue: finalist of the Cup F.A 3 times (1965.1970 y 1973); finalist in the season 74/75 of the former European Cup finalists Fairs Cup season 1966/67.

La década de los 80 it wasn't the best for the club. El año 1992 touched the sky

La década de los 80 it didn't go so well for the team Ellan Road because after a clear decline, the team dropped to second in 1982 and did not recover until category 1990. This was a turning point for the club. 90's, although to a lesser extent than the other, it would be a golden age for the club. En 1992, el Leeds United won the third Premier in its history and the last one so far. In that season he debuted in its ranks a French astro to sound them, un tal Eric Cantona. Leeds won the championship with the talent of the French at their service.

El Leeds United con Cantona fue campeón
Eric Cantona with the Leeds title. FOTO: Leeds Live

During the rest of the decade, Leeds was one of the top teams, participating in European competitions. With the advent of the new century, Leeds would live which is its last golden age so far. The creation of the Champions League as such, the format we know today, allowed the entry of more equipment and Leeds United had access to the competition after securing third place in the season 99/2000. In addition this season, He also reached the semifinals of the UEFA where he lost to Galatasaray Turkish.

The beginning of the XXI century, Leeds United's greatest moment in modern times

En la 2000/01, the first season of this century, the English club, It was the revolution of the Champions League. With a team with young talents like Rio Ferdinand; Jonathan Woodgate; Ian Harte; Marck Viduka; Robbie Keane; Alan Smith o Harry Kewell, the name of Leeds, It was one of the most feared at that time.

Leeds was measured category rivals Milan, Barça, Real Madrid and Lazio among others. He beat a great Deportivo Coruna, in quarterfinals. Cuper only Valencia, he managed to knock down the English team. It was in the semifinals and then lost valencianistas final against Bayern Munich in a dramatic penalty shootout.

Leeds United Champions
Leeds United played the Champions League at the beginning of the 21st century. FOTO: https://www.yorkshireeveningpost.co.uk/

Free fall without parachute to hell and rebirth

From now on, the fall of the Leeds United was unstoppable and without a parachute. The major economic efforts that the club had to maintain a powerful team took their toll. La temporada siguiente, the team could only play UEFA. It is impossible to maintain the level of such staff, Leeds had to sell all your stars, including Rio Ferdinand to Manchester United, y a Harry Kewell al Liverpool.

In less than two seasons, enter here 2001/2 y 2002/03, It decomposed practically all its staff and adopted a player loan policy, He is culminating in relegation to the second tier of English football. The few survivors fled that European Leeds. But the problems did not end there Leeds, but with the decline, the club was declared bankrupt and had to sell apart from its entire staff, The stadium where he still plays but now on loan, Elland Road Stadium.

The decline continued with another monstrosity that same season, This time administrative. El Leeds United, the team that had astonished Europe, It was in the third stage of British football, in the catacombs of football. En 2005, the historic Leeds was only a shadow of what had been, a man condemned to ruin and oblivion team.

En 2010, the club managed to ascend to the Championship in which it was 10 years until in 2020, Marcelo Bielsa, got the miracle. A year earlier he had already stayed at the gates of promotion, but one peculiarity of Bielsa made the team play the Play Off. They finally got promoted to the Premier League 16 years later and the category title in the coronavirus season.

Leeds United
El Leeds United celebra la Championship 2019-20 with Marcelo Bielsa at the helm. FOTO: New Search Engine

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Colgadosporelfutbol.com. Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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