Why Fairs Cup is not official?

¿Por qué la Copa de Ferias no es oficial?
Valencia won the Fairs Cup twice. FOTO: ABC

Last update 20 July, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Did you know that the title of the Fair Cup is not official? It is one of those discussions that persist over time especially when fans of the clubs that won ever, The titles include among your club. Sin embargo tienen razón a medias ya que la Copa de Ferias no es considerada como oficial para la UEFA, organizer of the Champions and Europa League, pero la FIFA si la menciona.

Why Fairs Cup is not official?

Fairs Cup was born in 1955 at the hands of FIFA among others, as a competition in order to confront soccer clubs representing European cities that will host international trade fairs. A su vez, the UEFA, had created the Club Champions Cup later known as the European Cup and more later as we know it today, Champions League.

However, despite apparently clearly the forerunner of the Europa League, la UEFA does not admit the Fair Cup as an official title since it was not organized by them and is the confederation to which the European clubs are attached.

As the Champions and Europa Legue, Fairs Cup also had a clear dominance Spanish. The team that won more times was the Barcelona 3 but Valencia in 2 Real Zaragoza occasions and in 1, They completed until 6 Spanish titles for 5 ingleses, 2 Italians, 2 Hungarian, 1 Croatian and 1 Belgian.

When was this competition held??

Fairs Cup was played between 1955 y 1971. The first champion was the FC Barcelona and the last, el Leeds United who won it twice. Esto hace que el equipo inglés sea junto al Valencia, el segundo equipo que más veces ganó este trofeo. Un título al que la UEFA sigue sin darle validez oficial. Todo ello porque fue una competición FIFA y no suya.

This competition did not have the propaganda echo that it had in the press, especially in the European Cup, whose beginnings also spark controversy. Pero muy pronto, ganó un seguimiento en otro tipo de equipos alejados del foco mediático de la época que a través de este torneo tuvieron la oportunidad de asomarse al fútbol europeo. Y pasear así su nombre por el viejo continente.

Palmarés de la Copa de Ferias

Copa de Ferias no oficial
El palmarés de la Copa de Ferias

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Colgadosporelfutbol.com. Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol


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