The biggest controversies Paco Jemez

Las mayores polémicas de Paco Jémez
Paco Jémez siempre ha sido un entrenador muy mediático. PHOTOMONTAGE: hanging

Last update 17 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Paco Jémez, ha sido en los últimos años, uno de los entrenadores más mediáticos del fútbol español. And that possibly his football career, in which it became international in Spain, It was more fruitful than the coach so far. And his peculiar character and way of being, added to a risky game philosophy that leads to the end, Spanish coach made a tough guy to go unnoticed.

Las polémicas de Paco Jémez

His explosive character collides head-on with his players

Paco Jemez A he is not one to hump up and if a player leaves the script that marks are seen with technical whose character never shies away from confrontation. It can tell Lass Bangoura suffered in the flesh a space heater technician after making a rebuff. They were close to coming to blows.

He is a man who always leaves juicy news headlines. Here are some of his most famous phrases:

"The day he handed me touched little brain, but when they handed me eggs played the fattest. I play my eggs to make a great party ", He said before a match against Real Madrid”

"There comes a time when you force the player to see who is bigger and that's me"

“Shits the category is us”

"They say we had the 71 percent of possession and possession is not worth to take by ass if every time we come get us "

"If Zidane has no coaching license, you can not train in Spain; Now you go and you tell Ancelotti "

"When you're a wimp and generous, you lose "

"If I were the president, He would miss the coach and staff "

"We went to the field thinking that we face a band of friends and so we have taken five".

“That question, you bring home prepared or has happened to you here, so scathing? I mean it's natural talent that you have”

"Or I'm too stupid or you are very clever".

“You like karaoke, because every time I grab the microphone not loose 'or God pa. I do not usually talk about referees. Look how fast you have answered seven minutes you've been monologue”

"Lass is a player that I love, other times they suffocate "

"If the club has to change something is the coach"

"Many players have done things that they know they have to do, I'm getting tired of standing up for them "

"With Miku it can happen that you have not understood my message well or be silly. If first, I hope this clarification will serve. If it is the latter, neither he nor I can do anything about it "

"Do not ask a player you manufacture a washing machine"

"Maybe they do not care is running out coach. Yes that's how it is, They are doing everything possible to stay without it because it is normal that I had already signed somewhere else ".

"The club has to think if I'm the right. I was the best player in Las Palmas "

“The day I signed for Borussia Monchengladbach, they surely are lined pulp, and I ask all you want signings”

“With these errors no chance to compete in First. I think that failures will cost me the job”.

“This is the fattest puddle in which I've gotten since I became coach”

“If he wins the Valencia, I hung himself in the locker room”

Paco Jemez is controversial even when no trains, even playing sportscaster

Just see the quarrel he had with the former referee Iturralde González.

Su modelo de juego llama la atención para bien y para mal

He had several years in a row Rayo Vallecano with a very peculiar style, offensive and showy but the fact is also that his Lightning was all those years one of the 5 more goleados category with outrageous numbers of goals against teams, many of them Blunders in ball out like a team were benjamines. Finally he dropped his Ray, with its philosophy to the end and passing through the Granada lasted a few months to convince her not risky game idea. He left as bottom club First. Before his arrival in Mexico it was already clear and warned: “In Mexico also I try to play with my attacking style”

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol


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