Top Stories World Sweden 1958

Las mejores anécdotas del Mundial de Suecia 1958

Last update 27 March, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

He Sweden World Cup 1958 It meant the arrival of a new era to football. Everything changed in the Nordic country, bridge between two ways of conceiving the beautiful game. They could be told many stories of this World, each more surreal. Por ejemplo, what la Araña Negra se convirtió en el primer portero en llevar guantes en un campeonato del mundo; por ejemplo, which it was the first and only time involving the four British teams (Inglaterra, Ireland, Scotland and Wales).

As another example, Ireland asked not to play on Sundays because it was the Lord's Day and FIFA said no, or take another case, Argentina went on a flight over 40 hours in economy class with unique shirts for the tournament which led to even have to ask about the Malmoe to train.

The World Cup in Sweden 1958, el torneo que descubrió al ‘Rey del fútbol’

Apart from this, was the World Cup in Brazil, el primero conquistado por un grupo donde Garrincha y Skin ofrecieron su carta de presentación al mundo. It is housed in Sweden because it was a country that had not intervened in the World War and offered calm and facilities. 16 participated selections, not Spain, per second championship eliminated in qualifying and no Asian or African selection, eliminated in advance.

The first phase produced more surprises than just eliminating England and Argentina, who blotted with three defeats in their first participation duels with European teams from the World Cup 1934. Having reached the quarterfinals, Heat entered the tournament. He did so with the clear victory of France over Ireland 4-0 and Brazil against Wales 1-0 which he led both teams will meet in semifinals.

The top two teams, unos led by Garrincha, the man who marveled at his impossible dribbles and a young man 17 years called Pele who dazzled with his speed and determination in front of goal, others led by a front door that looked very easily called Fontaine gave one of the best games in recent memory.

La Brasil del 58 hizo historia en ese Mundial

An epic semifinal that ended 5-2 thanks to a hat trick historic Pele, and that led to the birth of “Beautiful game”. "I'd rather play against 10 Germans against 1 brasileño” fueron las palabras del meta galo ante la avalancha vivida en Rashunda, Interestingly host the grand final.

Grand finale was going to dispute the canarinha against Sweden, the host team with a noble but straight game had beaten Germany 3-1 and he had managed to reach his first final of a world championship. Feat would be eclipsed with a new exhibition and Brazilian Pele, who with two new goals he would be crowned world champion.

Pelé or nobodies (so was his Portuguese translation) He had achieved his goal, make Brazil champions. Together with him, Garrincha, the illiterate and alcoholic, and considered subnormal means by campus and especially the psychologist who advised her to go home for "mental and single weakness” He had conquered the world. Garrincha had everything a footballer can have. overflowing, imagination, Dodge and fantasy. Obviously IRLE head seemed quite right as pointing a rumor that lost her virginity to a goat to 12 años, and that his mother was actually one of her sisters raped by her father.

Of course it would be unfair to end this anecdotario not to mention the match for third and fourth place. A consolation match yet, in Sweden it meant that Just Fontaine became the top scorer in World Cup history with 13 many thanks to four goals that earned passage to France goleara 6-3 To Germany.

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982


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