The famous no goal Pele in Mexico 1970

El famoso no gol de Pelé en México 1970
The famous goal that never was Pele. FOTO: Youtube Capture

Last update 4 December, 2023 por Alberto Llopis

Mexico 1970 was the last World Pele. O’Rei, Aztec closed at its stage championship started in World Suecia 1958 While still a youth. That Brazil of 70, It was a team that played dream football. Pelé won his third World Cup after winning in 1958 y 1962, something that has not yet been reached by anyone. Only the Brazilian Ronaldo Nazario, with two World Cups (1994 y 2002) and a runner-up in Francia 1998 It comes close.

What was Pelé's non-goal in Mexico? 1970?

The first World Championship in Mexican lands (the appointment would be repeated in 1986), left many plays, goals and anecdotes which passed into history but certainly, one of the highlights and most remembered not only the tournament but of all World, It was a play that happened was not a goal. We talk of course goal that never belonged to Pelé.

Would not know whether the move as an error rate, as genius or both. Pele received assistance from Tostao in the semifinal against Uruguay. In a play which had not yet seen, the King of Soccer, feinted without touching the ball Ladislao Mazurkiewicz, considered the best goalkeeper in the World, leaving him sitting. That was the genius part of the move.

The failure part came when the Brazilian star after having sat down the Uruguayan goalkeeper, he sent the ball out with the goal completely empty in an event almost unprecedented in his career. As we stated above, He not complete the move in a goal but neither was needed. Brazil won the championship, Pelé was already football history and that fabulous dribble without the ball was forever recorded in the wonderful Soccer worldcup history.

Pelé acabó tirando el balón fuera.
Pele ended up throwing the ball out.

Pelé's no-goal play

We attach the video to not lose detail of the excellent play up the Brazilian star and the excellent Uruguayan goalkeeper.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol


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