The four Spanish playing with other teams in Russia 2018

Los cuatro españoles que juegan con otras selecciones en Rusia 2018

Last update 6 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

World Cup is a melting pot of nationalities, in particular are 32 countries playing the World Cup of Russia. However within the teams participating in the World Cup, are as surprises 29 French players who do not play this tournament with their country of birth and four Spanish than they do with other countries, the home of his relatives. The four Spanish playing with other teams in the 2018 World Cup.

Sergej Milinkovic-Savic (Lleida, 27/02/1995): If you were a classic PC Football those half the 90 sure you remember Milinkovic Nikola, the player who went through Lleida, Almería and Orense. It was during his stay in the Catalan club that played in First, Sergej born, now become a young player from Lazio pursued by the big European. Sin embargo, despite being born in Spanish territory have Spanish nationality, never raised wear the shirt of Spain. So in Russia 2018 It is one of the players to stick with Serbia.

Keita Baldé Diao (Arbucias, Girona, 8/03/1995): A few years ago we were talking about him when beginning to excel in Lazio and trusted it would be one of the front of the Spanish. His parents, originating in Senegal, they settled in the area where Catalan born Keita. Sin embargo, He had some bureaucratic problems with their nationality and this delay made at the end and despite declaring several times that he wanted to play with Spain, he was playing with Senegal, the country of origin of their parents. Where now, It is one of the stars and whose jersey will defend at the World Cup 2018.

Achraf Judge (Madrid, 04/11/1998): Born in Madrid within a Moroccan family, always he made it clear he wanted to play with the country of its origin. In fact it was a set of the lower echelons of Morocco when being still youthful Real Madrid 17 años, Renard, the senior coach of African side, He decided to call to play the Africa Cup. Con solo 19, already the right side holds a World Morocco.

Munir Mohand Mohamed (Melilla, 10/05/1989): It is the oldest of all. Numancia goalkeeper was born in Melilla and has spent his entire career between Second B and the Spanish Second. Now is the choice goalkeeper at the World Morocco Russia 2018.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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