The stadiums of the Euro 2020

Los estadios de la Eurocopa 2020
The Olympic stadium in Rome is the Italian representative for the Eurocup 2020. FOTO:

Last update 17 May, 2021 por Alberto Llopis

Which are the stadiums of the Euro 2020? The Euro 2020 to be played in June 2021 after being postponed one year by the crisis del coronavirus, ha sufrido también un cambio en la lista definitiva de sus estadios. Como ya se sabe, the Eurocup 2020 will be played in different countries y la UEFA, presented the list of the final stadiums and the cities of the countries where it will be played.

Las ciudades donde se jugará la Euro

St. Petersburg

The stadiums of the Euro 2020

Germany Azerbaiyán Dinamarca Inglaterra
Munich Baku Copenhagen London
Soccer Arena Munich Baku Olympic Stadium Parken Stadion Wembley
Capacidad: 75 000 Capacidad: 69 870 Capacidad: 42 305 Capacidad: 90 652
los estadios de la Eurocopa 2020
The Baku Olympic stadium, one of those chosen for the Eurocup 2020. FOTO: Foursquare
Países Bajos Rumania Rusia
Ámsterdam Bucharest St. Petersburg
Johan Cruyff Arena National Arena Krestovski Stadium
Capacidad: 53 052 Capacidad: 54 851 Capacidad: 61 251
los estadios de la Eurocopa 2020
The Arena Nationale in Bucharest, one of the stadiums of the Eurocup 2020 that will be played in 2021. FOTO: Wikipedia
Los estadios de la Eurocopa 2020
La Cartuja de Sevilla is the Spanish stadium chosen for the Eurocup 2020. He will replace San Mamés. FOTO: Wikipedia
Budapest Glasgow
Puskás Arena Hampden Park
Capacidad: 68 156 Capacidad: 51 472
Italia España
Roma Sevilla
Olympic Stadium in Rome La Cartuja Stadium
Capacidad: 72 300 Capacidad: 60 000

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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