The best initial onces of history in Europe and South America

Los mejores onces iniciales de la historia en Europa y Sudamérica

Last update 5 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

No one would doubt that football is a universal sport, it has managed to achieve and conquer every corner of the planet. A pesar de ello, and certainly by tradition and have established them first, They are Europe, primero, and South America, después, the places where this game has had a greater significance. Y, how could it not be otherwise, the most valued players descended from them.

Por tanto, and since we all carry inside that little coach, then it is proposed, on the one hand, the best lineup of history with players from Europe and, for the other, also better the alienation of history but with players from South America. Here are:


-Goalie: Lev Yashin

– Defenses: Beckenbauer, Baresi-Maldini

– Midfielders: Charlton-Best-Platini-Zidane

– Forwards: Cristiano Ronaldo Johan Cruyff, Puskas


-Goalkeepers: Ladislao Mazurkiewicz

– Defenses: Cafú- Passarella-Elias Figueroa- Roberto Carlos

– Midfielders: Maradona-Di Stefano- Ronaldinho-

– Forwards: Messi-Ronaldo Nazario-Pele

What a piece of initial onces quality loaded to overflowing!, surely we leave us no, or many others could have been hollow within these two teams holders. It is the great advantage of having a cast of players of such talent, which continues to grow with the passage of time.

Carlos Garrido

Behind every pass, regattas, stop and goal there is always a story, and I like to write. Follow me on @carlos_vianos
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