The worst football cards in history

Los peores cromos de fútbol de la historia
We review some of the worst football cards. PHOTOMONTAGE: hanging

Last update 18 January, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

¿Cuáles son los worst football stickers ever? When one is a child, It has a number of hobbies that are lost when adulthood is reached. One very common and that many continue when they become adults. is collecting trading cards. Naturally we focus on football. In the XXI century, with the advanced of photoshop, It is very easy to convert an image into a thing that is not but in 70,80 y 90, publishers of Chromos also made him very unconvincing results. Not only that, but often they drew some almost criminal photos.

The worst football cards in history

los peores cromos de fútbol de la historia
Some of the worst soccer cards in history. FOTO: HOME

Imagen del photoshop noventero de Madar...el cuerpo por un lado y la cara mirando sonrisa incluida para otro lado. Casi nada.
Photoshop image noventero Madar…the body on one side and the side facing the other way including smile. Casi nada.

Pocos recordarán el paso de este hombre por el Racing. Pero su cromo, pasó a la historia. De brazos cruzados y poniendo cara de malo.
Few remember the passing of this man by Racing. But his chrome, He made history. Idly and putting evil face with a blurry background.

los peores cromos de la historia
Leaving aside how little photogenic Iván Campo is, They can be fixed on the face and body do not quite fit. Things of 90.


Quitando el parecido de Atila Kasac con Fernando Tejero, la imagen queda a sus propios comentarios.
Removing the resemblance of Atila Kasac with Fernando Tejero, the image is your own comments.

¿Qué les parece el photoshop en el cromo de Mornar? Muy natural la posición de la cabeza y el cuerpo.
How about the photoshop on the chrome Ivica the Sailor? Very natural position of the head and body.

La imagen de Paqui estaba lejos de ser la de un futbolista de hoy en día. Pero el que le hizo esa foto y ese cromo se quedó descansado.
Paqui image was far from being a footballer today. But he did that picture and that chromium was rested.

los peores cromos de la historia
A very common thing a couple of decades ago was to use the same photo for several years. Displays a button.

No se ustedes, pero yo veo algo raro en la proporción entre la cabeza y el cuerpo de Del Solar. Algo muy común en los montajes de la época.
Not you, but I see something strange in the ratio between the head and the body of the Solar. Very common in the assemblies of the time.

peores cromos de la historia
I put heads disproportionate to the bodies was a common practice of the time.

Puestos a poner un balón pegado en el cromo mejor que lo hubieran hecho con lógica. Manjarin miraba al cielo y conducía un balón que no quedaba muy natural.
Posts to put a ball stuck at best chromium they had done with logic. Manjarin looked at the sky and drove a ball that there was very natural.

But since the list is big, muy grande, we have divided it into several articles

Keep seeing some of the worst cards in history

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol


2 thoughts on “The worst football cards in history

  1. Had a player called Alfonso. Not if you know them. He played for Real Madrid, Betis and Barcelona. En 1995, when he was in Madrid, he signed for Betis. of ahi, There are two cromos him that year :
    (Here Alfonso was low.)
    (Here it was placed.)

    NEXT season in the league, Alfonso we see that is playing in the Betis as indicated in this chromium:

    But what happens?. For those of Ediciones This made a photomontage of Alfonso as if returned to Madrid:

    And on top with double image, and the same face of pefil that chromium Betis. As you see?

  2. There was a football player named Alfonso. He played in Madrid, Betis and Barcelona. En 1995, when he was in Madrid, he signed for Betis. In fact there are two trading cards from him that season. I leave two links for the veais: (This is placed)

    In the NEXT season we see that Alfonso started at Betis, as indicated in this chromium:

    But you know what I discovered?. This Ediciones because that dared to make a photomontage as if I were in Madrid, and with the same profile picture Betis Alfonso Chrome:

    And on top with double image. That appeared?

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