John Jairo Tréllez, el colombiano que ‘estuvo’ in two world but… only cromos

John Jairo Tréllez, el colombiano que ‘estuvo’ en dos mundiales pero… sólo en cromos
John Jairo Tréllez appears in the collection of two world but did not play ninugno (Foto: Twitter @JJTrellezV)

Last update 1 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Once again football offers us curious stories. On this occasion, It is a kind story that the protagonist himself, John Jairo Tréllez It is taken with humor and makes us lovers of this sport smile.. The protagonist, a Colombian player who defended the elastic equipment such as At. National in his country and Argentina Boca Juniors among others.

John Jairo Tréllez, the footballer who went to two World Cups in stickers

The former Colombian soccer player, He joked at the time on his Twitter account since it appeared in the sticker collections of two World Cup events., Italia 90 y USA 94. Sin embargo, did not get to go convened in either because finally fell off the list in both cases: “I did not go to any World but at least twice went on the album…” He wrote former player Colombia.

Colombian forward, he became top scorer in the league 1992, did manage to be present at the America Cup representing his country both in 1987 like in 1989. Además, was champion of the Libertadores Cup en 1989 and Colombian League 1991 con At. Nacional. He had a long career of more than 20 years that took him around the world, for china, Swiss, Saudi Arabia and even to play in the Moroccan league in the ranks of Raja Casablanca. He also came to play in a team of the substance of Boca Juniors.

Fue 24 international times with the Colombian team. Sin embargo, Tréllez stayed 2 times at the doors in the Colombian pre-list and in passing, left this anecdote behind the history of the soccer world cups. Although surely, The forward from Antioquia would have liked to represent his country in at least, one of the two quotes.

Javi Argudo

Football Geek. The first great experience of my life was to discover the PC Football. You can follow me on @JaviArgudo
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