The best Mexican players in history

Los mejores jugadores mexicanos de la historia
Who are the best Mexican soccer players in history? PHOTOMONTAGE: hanging

Last update 20 March, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

VLet's try to review who they are the best mexican players in history. Like any list that usually draws, the choice can be very relative. Go for it.

The best Mexican players in history

Hugo Sánchez

He won five times Pichichi trophy to the top scorer in the Spanish League, He won five leagues in Spain, two Copa del Rey, Three Super Cups and two Mexican Leagues Spain. Also, He took his showcases UEFA Cup, an Inter-American Cup, two Champions Cup CONCACAF Gold Cup and the Mexican national team.

Framework 510 goals during his career and defended Mexico's jersey in three World Cups (Argentina 1978, Mexico 1986 and use 1994), was runner-up in the Copa América de 1993 with the Aztecs and a reference inside and outside their country during the late 80's and early 90's. Five times Pichichi in Spain. It came out of Pumas.

Rafa Marquez

The former Atlas, Barcelona or Monaco among others, It is one of the most successful Mexican soccer players. a spectacular central defense class, Marquez has participated in more than 100 matches with the Mexican national team and He has played in five World Cups (2002, 2006, 2010, 2014 y 2018), scoring two goals in the last two FIFA World Cups. It is certainly one of the best mexican players in history.

Jorge Campos

One of the most outstanding goalkeepers in the 90, He noted for great agility, their extravagant outfits and his killer instinct. And is that Campos, He liked to change their goalkeeper position for the front from time to time. Anotó 35 goals during his career, It is one of the doormen's scorers in the history of football. Although not very high, It was one of the doormen stars.

He played and played for Atlante, Blue Cross, Tigres and Puebla. In all he acted as a goalkeeper and as a striker, depending on what the situation demanded. He went to three World Cups with Mexico ( USA 94, Francia 98 y Korea and Japan 2002) and his fame became so important that participated in a Nike ad with the big stars of the time late last century.

Cuauhtémoc Blanco

Kind of peculiar character and race, follows the 40 years giving war. Dodge inventor known as the “cuahutemeinha”, Mexico is the top scorer in the history of the Libertadores Cup 15 goals and second highest scorer in the history of America. It is also one of the top scorers in the history of Mexican selection 39 many. He played in Spain without much luck in the ranks of Valladolid and the US.

In the Mexican league it is one of the best players who have been there. It is the only Mexican player to have scored in three World Cups different (Francia 98, Korea and Japan 2002 and South Africa 2010). As we said, possessor of a peculiar character, his nature has brought you serious problems and exemplary sanctions. So peculiar that it has even taken his first steps in a telenovela.

Jared Borgetti

With the goal blood, It was a Mexican striker of the late 90's he scored almost 300 goals during his career that led him to play in different Mexican teams, England and the Arab Football. Undoubtedly his best performances gave the Mexican club Santos Laguna where he scored 189 goals in 295 parties.

In the Mexican national team was an icon, scoring 46 goals in 89 parties and he participated in two World (2002 y 2010). It is the top scorer in the history of selection so far.

Carlos Hermosillo

Mexican goalscorer par excellence in the 80's and 90's, It is one of the top scorers in the history of Mexican selection 35 goals and the second top scorer in the Mexican top category. He drilled the rival networks 297 Sometimes in the Mexican League but also he played in Belgium and the US. Participó en 90 games with the Mexican national team and two World ( 1986 y 1994). Without a doubt one of the important players in Mexican history in the last two decades..

Luis Hernandez

One of the best scorers in the history of Mexican soccer, -end she noted above to half of the decade of the 90's, being the top scorer in the Copa America 1997 con 6 Mexican points and maximum scorer in the World Cup when the World Cup in France 1998 anotó 4 goles.

He scored a total of 32 goals with the selection and 132 throughout his career happened between Mexico, Argentina and the US. He played for Boca Juniors in the late 90's on the recommendation of Maradona, but he could not excel in his adventure in Argentina.

Benjamín Galindo

He is the most capped player in the history of the Mexican First Division 697 shares. In the late 80's and early 90's was an outstanding player of the Mexican national team and Santos Laguna, Pachuca and Cruz Azul among others. With Mexico went to the USA in World 1994 and he participated in the previous de France in 1998. Participó en 65 partidos internacionales y anotó 21 goles. Won 4 Mexican leagues and retired to the 41 years in 2001.

Chicharito Hernandez

Nacido en 1988, when some of the members of this list were already established players, and it is one of the top scorers in the Mexican national team and has played a lot of matches. He has played in some of the best teams like Real Madrid and Manchester United among others. Ha jugado 3 World with Mexico (2010, 2014 y 2018).

mejores jugadores de la historia de México
Chicharito is one of the best players in the history of Mexico. FOTO:

Carlos Vela

Not a football fan outside his profession but is a very talented footballer. Undoubtedly one of the best Mexican football has in recent times. A long career in Spanish football (Salamanca, Osasuna and Real Sociedad was where 6 años) since Arsenal take him to Europe being a kid until he left the US MLS. He played in the World Cup 2010 in South Africa and the 2018 Russia defending the jersey of the “Tri”. Uno de los best mexican players in history.

Giovanni Dos Santos

Raised in the quarry of FC Barcelona, Gio, and highlighting started very young soon debuted with the Barca elastic. Very talented player, he went in search of greater prominence to England where he did not have much luck and returned to the Spanish League and later end up in MLS with his brother Jonathan. Nacido en 1989, He participated in the World Cup 2010, in the case of 2014 and in that of 2018 in addition to the Olympics 2012 held in London.

Luis Garcia

One of the best strikers in Mexican history. He debuted at 17 Pumas years where he scored almost 100 goles. He played in Mexican football teams like America, Atlante, Chivas, Puebla and Monarcas and in Spain where he played for Atlético de Madrid (28 goals in 58 parties) and the Royal Society. He participated in two World Cups with the 'Tri', the one of USA 94 and that of Francia 98.

Guillermo Ochoa

El guardameta de las 5 World Cups played. El Memo Ochoa defended the Mexican goal in 5 Mundiales. Germany 2006, Sudáfrica 2010, Brasil 2014, Rusia 2018 y Qatar 2022, They were the events in which one of the best goalkeepers in the history of Mexico was present..

mejores jugadores mexicanos de la historia
The Memo Ochoa, one of the most illustrious Mexican players. FOTO:

Andres Guardado

Another of the illustrious Mexicans present in the list of footballers who played 5 Mundiales. Present in the same as Ochoa, He was one of the captains of Mexico in recent years.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol


27 thoughts on “The best Mexican players in history

  1. indicas not happened because they excelled in fields and hugol Pumas, Pumas were made in case you did not remember….

  2. Happens to Salvador Reyes, Hector Hernandez, Fernando busts, Isidro Diaz, brown paper, garcia aspe horario in casarin, pirate source, Halcon rock,champion Hernandez,Claudio Suárez, etc., etc

  3. Hugo the best of all time,Cuauhtemoc may have been the second or match him without question what had technical, skill and leadership but I miss giving up the comforts of mexico and america and go play in Europe when he began his career, but still he has won a place in the history of Mexican soccer.

  4. Respectfully, Hugo Sanchez is the best Mexican player of all time, the acomodenlos others as you!!! 🙂 😉

  5. assert that experts say is unacceptable that make your list in your opinion, not all feel the same some by the fact that he played in Europe does not make them the best but if your record of achievement and perseverance (example ) chicharo is not lethal do not overdo it's just a cazagoles Giovani has done nothing footballing talking and so if we look objectively and are consistent favoritism we are not lightly that list does not mark the best

  6. certainly the best hugo sanchez anything like the kind I like to play football but others as hugo no 2 nor do I believe that being born again

  7. not suck if this ablando ten players hugo is number 1 marquez to anyone or q has won the hugo sanchez nor chicharo or yobani have q be on the list

  8. ¿Quién hizo esta lista? My mother?
    Hugo was the best but it's like Maradona, gods are created and are not. The first is Rafa Marquez, and definitely he missed Jared Borgetti.

    1. your fucking ass you know nothing about football, these pendejo well as Borguetti cres that will appear there, and that to cram chicharito not mamen please, your grandmother in thong has to play better than I chicharito, I leave you if you would be the best team of all time

      William Yarbroug
      Rafael Marquez
      carlos Salcido.
      benjamín Galindo
      Sergio Almaguer
      josemanuel Abundis
      luis hernandez
      luis garcia
      geovani saints
      carlos vela
      Alberto Coyote players that if they are not blowjobs

      1. friend is supposed to be historical players of the entire list would remove william,pea,Geovanny Morales would ramoncito

      2. No mames that # $%& William Yarbrough doing there? and you are shitting the above Wey. Abounded? no maaaams. Sobran giovanny and chicharo. lack Tomas Boy and moral ramon

    2. hugo sanchez is undoubtedly the best player in Mexico and was the one who opened the doors of Europe to all other players indiorante

    3. very respectable your opinion at the end that everyone sees what he wants to see

  9. Where are Tomás Boy, Leonardo Cuellar, Guillermo Mendizabal Wendy, Ignacio Carbajal, Luis Pirata Source, Enrique Borja, Luis Flores, Manuel Negrete, Luis Garcia, Francisco Palencia and players from other eras who were very good players?

  10. I'm not even hate americanistas But for me it's Cuauhtemoc Blanco talves nontube the opportunity of a good education but has a very Intelligencia pot above the rest

  11. I don't think chicharito or Giovanni dos santos still belong to this list of the best ‘ !! They lack a lot to prove. I feel that other players like Ramón Ramírez or Luis García etc.. They should have these places….the rest I agree!!

  12. botched the list should not be white, young, chicharito, nor fields and had to include Horacio Casarín, all carbajal, Chava Kings and Enrique Borja

  13. Great players all, although it is very difficult to choose only ten, some phenomena such as Ramón Ramirez were left out, Oswaldo Sanchez, Garcia Aspe, Luis García, Claudio Suarez, arellano kid, etc, and if you go back a few years out other icons led by Salvador Reyes. Like I really liked your list,, Thanks for reminding us of these phenomena.

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