Mikel Lasa, Football's a roughneck

Mikel Lasa, un currante del fútbol

Last update 6 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Mikel Lasa was one of those players who manage to complete a more than creditable race despite not any star of the ball or possess neither a technical nor nignuna special rather than a genuine capacity for sacrifice quality and pundonor beyond any rule. A) Yes, Today our hero managed to settle for nothing more and nothing less than 6 seasons at Real Madrid left-back where despite being on the starting grid more than once, Only the arrival of one of a kind as Roberto Carlos managed to unseat.

Nacido en 1971, his career is full of successes. Debutó en 1989 with the Royal Society where in two years and after 82 donostiarra official games, He highlighted as left-back still in ancient and full of history Stadium Atocha what caught the attention of Real Madrid in the early 90 that incorporated in 1991 their discipline. In the white club he was from the 91 hasta el 97 donde jugó 160 matches in all competitions and scored 3 goles, two of them really remembered. One of them in 1993, in the final of the King's Cup that year played in Mestalla and was the last until 2011 the whites won again on the same stage and one he scored against Sevilla from its own field 1995, the remembered “Alaska”.

Mikel Lasa en un clásico ante el Barça. Foto: https://www.tumblr.com/search/mikel%20lasa
Mikel Lasa in a classic against Barcelona. Foto: https://www.tumblr.com/search/mikel lasa

He was also present at the two consecutive batacazos of Tenerife and Real Madrid in the league that ended in the windows of Barcelona. En 1997 after a spectacular season of Roberto Carlos in his first season in Madrid, He packed his bags and went to play Athletic who was then heading the charismatic Luis Fernandez and the end of that season 1997/98 he would be runner-League.

Then he went through Murcia and Ciudad de Murcia where in 2004 He ended his career with a record of 2 Suspenders, 1 Super Cup and 1 Copa del Rey as we have said, He had a special role for him. It also has the honor of being one of the players “Fifth Cobi” what in 1992 in Barcelona and with the goal of Kiko, They were proclaimed Olympic champion. Became international all on a couple of occasions but his international career was no more.

A pretty good and decent career for a player full of honor and attitude but without a special talent. One of those old player in football today hardly play at Real Madrid but at the time, was one of the classics of Spanish football could play top teams like Real Sociedad and Athletic. A footballer of those of before in Colgados we love to remember.

Lasa durante su etapa en el Athletic.
Lasa during their Athletic.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Colgadosporelfutbol.com. Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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