Mourinho requests the signing of a Real Madrid star

Mourinho solicita el fichaje de una estrella del Real Madrid
Mourinho is already preparing signings for next season (Foto: Lee Smith / Via Reuters) LEE SMITH ACTION IMAGES VIA REUTERS

Last update 21 May, 2018 por Javi Argudo

It is unusual in the Portuguese coach but the season 2017-2018 ends blank as to what that title refers to Jose Mourinho. Por ello, the Portuguese coach has got down to work on the preparation of the squad for next season.

United manager believes that should make a great economic effort by the club to compete with Manchester City that has walked this season in the Premier League. One of the objectives of portugese, according to aim Mirror, would be signing Real Madrid player Gareth Bale.

El galés, It is joining the set target from Tottenham by 100 millions of euros, He has lost some prominence this season and has been a substitute in some of the most important games such as the tie against Bayern Munich in Champions League. Bale could see with good eyes return to the Premier League to be important in the team led by 'Mou'.

At the moment, Bale faces another final of the continental showpiece next Saturday, which could mean his fourth Champions with the Merengues but we can not rule it become one of the future project leaders seeking to reconquer United English Premier League.

Javi Argudo

Football Geek. The first great experience of my life was to discover the PC Football. You can follow me on @JaviArgudo
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