Pato, the most expensive signing of Brazilian football, al Corinthians

Pato, el fichaje más caro del futbol brasileño, al Corinthians
Pato se convirtió, en el fichaje más caro del fútbol brasileño. PHOTOMONTAGE: hanging

Last update 17 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Alexandre Pato jugará las próxima cuatro temporada en el Corinthians brasileño y, según la prensa nacional se convierte en el fichaje más caro del fútbol brasileño. Lo hará a razón de 200.000 monthly dollars (unos 153.000 euros). A high salary for many and that for others will not reach the same level as, until now, es el fichaje más caro de la historia de un equipo brasileño.

El fichaje más caro del fútbol brasileño

Con 23 años, Pato leaves AC Milan in the winter market and returns to his native Brazil, where he already played two seasons at Internacional de Porto Alegre. But if the forward needed more incentives, he also managed to negotiate a percentage of the use of his image by the club, with what their emoluments could rise even more.

And if I still need more reasons, Corinthians -which in December won the Club World Cup title against English Chelsea- promised to pay the 40% of the value of a future negotiation for your move to another club.
According to Gilmar Veloz, player representative, Pato received proposals from other clubs, but he chose Corinthians because he wants to play in Brazil again.

Pato arrived at Milan in 2007 from the International, although after a great start with the rossonero club he suffered several injuries that separated him from the first line of the team. The forward barely played 11 games in the last season and four this year.

Corinthians vice president of football, Duilio Monteiro Alves, He assured however that the striker has already recovered from injuries. “Pato's technical quality is indisputable. Y, as far as the physical part is concerned, our medical department has been following the player for some time and we have not detected any kind of problem. Hoy, he's fine”, asserted the leader.

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982
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