Sunday, February 16, 2025

Paulo Futre: Atletico idol

Last update 13 September, 2024 by Alberto Llopis

Paulo Futre was the forerunner of Cristiano Ronaldo and Co.. Portugal is a country with a large quarry ends is clear. For some strange reason, the Iberian country has the ability to create quick and virtuous players dribble. Without going any further we could run a name like that ; Figo; Simao; Quaresma; Nani or Ronaldo Cristiano own.

Players cut from the same pattern in their style of play, with logical technical differences between them. But in the late 80's and 90's, in the Spanish league there was another player with the same characteristics, also Portuguese, which triumphed and became an idol of masses for the club he represented, at least here in Spain.

Futre un ídolo Atlético.
Futre an idol Athletic.

Paulo Futre: El portugués que conquistó el fútbol español mucho antes que Cristiano y otros

We speak as Paulo Futre of, the precursor of all that we have named before. Born on 28 February 1966 Montijo, Portugal, He debuted at Sporting Lisbon but soon changed his club, marchándose al Oporto, where in only three seasons win two league, two Super Cups and one European Cup.

In 1987, año en el que fue nombrado Silver Ball, signed for Atletico Madrid, in which he would remain six seasons being the idol of the red and white fans. With its explosive torn, his dribbles and plays dream, League audiences enjoyed this star of the ball, or they hated him, as the side face him. Classical his pique with Paco Buyo, eternal rival goalkeeper.

El propio Futre, reconoció que ponía una foto de Buyo 15 días antes de un partido contra él para motivarse. Tuvieron una especie de relación amor-odio de lo más variopinta, llena de anécdotas.

Ambos protagonizaron una bonita historia en 2022 cuando Futre, sufrió un serio percance de salud. El portugués reconoció y agradeció el gesto de Paco Buyo que fue de los primeros en llamarle e interesarse por su estado de salud.


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Una publicación compartida por Paulo Futre (@futre)

also he became famous at Atletico Madrid for his love-hate relationship with Jesus Gil. They held a strange child relationship- subsidiary ends reaching to as hate and love each. Futre at the Calderon won a league runner-up and two Copas del Rey.


Paso por diferentes equipos y vuelta al Atlético

Then he played for Benfica, Olympique de Marseille, Reggina, AC Milan, where he won the Italian League, West Ham and he returned to Atletico Madrid 1997 although clearly decay. He finished his career in Japan like many others of the time. Then return to Atletico Madrid but this time as coach.



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Una publicación compartida por Paulo Futre (@futre)

Uno de los mejores futbolistas portugueses de la historia

He was international in 41 Portugal occasions and marked 6 goals. Besides, He participated in the Mexico World Cup 86. Paulo Futre es uno de los mejores jugadores de la historia de Portugal.


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Una publicación compartida por Paulo Futre (@futre)

Alberto Llopis
Alberto Llopis
Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol

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