Iranian goalkeeper sanctioned for wearing SpongeBob SquarePants

Portero iraní sancionado por lucir a Bob Esponja

Last update 5 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

It seems amazing for the century in which we live but it is not. In the world, and surely still we find always find things like this, occurred in Iran. Sosha Makhani, Iranian goalkeeper club, Persepolis, He has been banned 6 months without being able to play. And is not that man has committed an unsportsmanlike action or have attacked anyone, He has not even done anything unusual off the field. Entonces, you wonder why this sanction and that has to do with SpongeBob. Really easy, they have sanctioned this time for wearing trousers and colorful cartoon character known.

Something we here seems quite absurd but what you see, for those lands not. The Moral Committee of the Iranian Football Federation, observed questionable conduct in the player for wearing a garish yellow pants adorned with pictures of SpongeBob and photographed and upload to social networks. According to this committee, “Makani has been sanctioned by the impact your appearance can have on society”. Something the hard moral governing this Islamic country can not tolerate.

Estos pantalones amarillos le han costado una dura sanción a Sosha Makhani.
These yellow pants have cost him a harsh penalty to Sosha Makhani.

Makani certainly must be a rebel in his own country because it is not the first time that suffers such problems. And it seems incredible as it may seem, He even went to jail for taking a photo with some girls who were not wearing the veil and dared to upload it to social networks. Iran's moral police is well aware of this sort of thing, especially in characters of national importance such as the case of Makani and often impose heavy penalties and fines for such acts. As in the case of the goalkeeper who will now be, except reduction of the sanction, 6 months without playing for wearing pants SpongeBob.

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