The rivalry between Rangers and Celtic ends in hands

La rivalidad entre Rangers y Celtic acaba en las manos
Kent Ryan player hit the Rangers captain Scott Brown Celtic in Glasgow derby. FOTO: Twitter / @BBCSportSco

Last update 1 April, 2019 por Alberto Llopis

The rivalry between Rangers and Celtic  Sultry left a new chapter and again proved that the Scottish capital derby is more than just a football game even for his players. It was played the famous Old Firm between the two teams when the minute Glasgow 87 the meeting was to give the embarrassing incident, Ryan Kent Rangers propinaba you punch the captain of Celtic, Scott Brown

It was not even booked

What if it was really embarrassing is that the referee He not even showed him the yellow card to the player Rangers in an action that was a direct red and shove a few match ban. It all happened when Brown moved the ball in the face of Kent and Rangers footballer struck this punch in the face Celtic captain with the referee in the foreground.

rivalidad entre Rangers y Celtic
This action of Kent was not even yellow. FOTO: America TV

Elsewhere in world football, this action would not only finish in red but in an exemplary punishment but it seems, in Scotland and when it comes to this game, anything goes.

“The Old Firm” one of the greatest rivalries in the world

The famous Glasgow derby is more than a match for City fans, divided into two camps. And is that the party, It has a political background, religious and social that it comes from afar, as well as many decades ago. However where it is less understood is this behavior among professionals.



Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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