Teo Gutiérrez on the chart at the Bombonera and must be brought to justice

Teo Gutiérrez la lía en la Bombonera y deberá comparecer ante la justicia
Teo Gutierrez IOL at the Bombonera and must be brought to justice. Foto: The nation

Last update 6 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

I was well fat mess in Boca Juniors-Rosario Central played 20 de noviembre de 2016. Or rather, IOL good fat Teo Gutierrez. Colombian footballer Central, the international coffee country, fue futbolista de River Plate club que le marcó a fuego como dejó bien claro durante este partido en la cancha del eterno rival del equipo millonario, The Bombonera.

Ran almost a minute 17 of Part, Boca won 1-0 and Teo Gutierrez made the equalizer for Rosario Central and ultimately, It would be the final score of the match. However what was left of normality was the celebration of the Colombian who decided to confront the fans of the legendary Bombonera and celebrate the goal pointing to the Gaza River on his shirt.

The thing was mother and everyone lost control. Boca players it wanted to eat, He extolled the audience so that the altercations brushed and even a commentator like this video, He lost control over the narrative and ended up insulting the Colombian striker. Caradura was as smooth as you said.

Grace went right face Gutierrez. At the end of the match, la policía decidió abrirle un acta y tendrá que declarar ante el juzgado por presunta violación del artículo 101 Code of Offenses punishable by a fine of 200 a thousand pesos or one to five days of arrest “disorder who incites, occasion or during a massive show, artistic or sporting activities”. But punishment “it is doubled when the action is performed by a sportsman, leader or uses a mass medium”

The footballer was expelled and obviously on his way to the tunnel, it backslid in his office warming the atmosphere even more without thinking about the consequences of their conduct, It could have occurred in a crowded stadium of people and frazzled tempers. And is that sometimes, the players do not measure their actions. Here the whole video of the altercation.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Colgadosporelfutbol.com. Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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