Loukas Vyntra third reinforcement of the Levant in the winter

Loukas Vyntra tercer refuerzo del Levante en el mercado de invierno

Last update 31 January, 2013 por Alberto Llopis

Levante UD has announced on its website a principle of agreement with the Greek central defender Loukas Vyntra who comes from the Panathiniakos of that country.

Loukas Vyntra born in the Czech Republic on 5 de febrero de 1981, although nationalized greek, acts as a central defender and has been international 18 times with Greece. The player had been 2003 on the Panathiniakos squad, club that leaves to play for Levante. At the moment the contract period that will unite the central with the granota club has not transcended.

Ballesteros's injury the other day, set off the alarms in the cadre that JIM runs, especially when they had let Volta out, which was the central room, so the Orriols team stayed very right on that plot. Despite the fact that the Levante captain's injury seems slight, the club wanted to keep their backs with the signing of another center-back. Vyntra's is the third incorporation of the granota club after Valdo and Acquafresca.

Alberto Llopis

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