Player jinx, three descents in a row

El jugador gafe, tres descensos seguidos
Emmanuel Riviere chains 3 followed declines. Foto: The Team

Last update 16 October, 2021 por Alberto Llopis

When bad luck is allied with someone it seems not abandon him. This is what you might think a sporting level the protagonist of this article. And it has dropped three straight years with three different teams, almost nothing. And that a few years ago was a very promising player. We speak French striker Emmanuel Riviere, whose nightmare began three years ago when he descended into hell with one of the largest in the Premier League: el Newcastle.

This caused the English club will seek a transfer which further develop their football, in this case Laliga where Osasuna took control of its services- Tras 17 games and no goals, and a weak and impoverished the whole team season where the club only managed to Pamplona 20 points, French he accumulated his second descent followed.

Another decline and another poor season behind you as, I had to find another way out. In this case was the Metz who opened the doors to reinforce their front. He scored six goals in 31 parties, figure insufficient to prevent the team will finish in the Ligue2. Unwittingly obviously, the poor have become the player jinx, with three consecutive declines.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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