The team that takes the lead to clinch Andrés Iniesta

El equipo que toma la delantera para hacerse con Andrés Iniesta
Iniesta will play his last game for the club against Real Sociedad (Foto: Eurosport)

Last update 18 May, 2018 por Javi Argudo

The unexpected twist that the future of Iniesta hit a few weeks ago (it was assumed his march to the Chinese Super League) it appears that may materialize in the coming hours. The talented midfielder, already he announced his departure from FC Barcelona a few days ago, You could have a new suitor advantage over the rest.

Kobe Vissel Japanese could be the fate of the Spanish player. The Japanese press assumes the signing and also claim that the deal could be announced after the game that the club will play against Real Sociedad this weekend and which will end the League 2017-2018.

The key signing could be that the owner of the Japanese club, Hiroshi Mikitani, He is the president of Rakuten, main sponsor of FC Barcelona. Iniesta would join the Vissel Kobe once ended its participation in the World Cup with Spain Russia.

Javi Argudo

Football Geek. The first great experience of my life was to discover the PC Football. You can follow me on @JaviArgudo
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