Tigers Does the best squad in the Americas?

¿Tiene Tigres la mejor plantilla del continente americano?

Last update 2 September, 2016 por Alberto Llopis

Tigers announced the arrival of French Andy Delort from the Caen. The Frenchman attacker thus joins compatriot, André Pierre Gignac who has shown in just one year in Mexican soccer, spectacular numbers. Delort, complete a template, the most expensive in Mexico and one of the most expensive of all America. A site with many resources that is postulated as one of the best but is the best template Tigres Mexico? Did across America from north to south, pasando por el centro?

Last year, Tigers had a value of 54 millions of euros, a figure that maybe in Europe would be the budget of an average team in the Spanish League, German or German and even a team below the Premier but very high for the figures used in America. A template can have everything a French international and Andre Pierre Gignac. A group led by an old fox like Tuca Ferretti, which it has players with some travel in Europe as Aquino (last in the league with teams like Villarreal and Rayo), Gignac and Delort own.

Delort a su llegada a Monterrey.
Delort upon arrival in Monterrey.

Thanks to the ruler 10-8 of Mexican soccer and the constant nationalization of players in Mexico, It has players of Argentine origin like Guido Pizarro, Damian Alvárez, Lucas Zelayarán, Ismael Sosa or goalkeeper Nahuel Guzman. Also with Colombian players like Julian and Luis Quinones. It also has interesting local players like Jürgen Damm, Nile Towers, Hector Ayala, a classic like “Palm” Rivas and a young promise who does not finish exploding like Jonathan Espericueta. A group of resources to be the best team in Mexico and your area. What do you think??

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Colgadosporelfutbol.com. Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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