Tony Doblas, Unemployed to Serie A

Toni Doblas, de parado a la Serie A

Last update 10 March, 2014 por Alberto Llopis

Football always gives second chances but tell that to the Sevillian Toni Doblas. The Spanish goalkeeper, He undertook last week heading to Naples to play in a team that has participated in Champions, which also runs the Spanish Rafa Benitez, with which disputed the coming months, the most decisive of all the fronts that has open the Italian team.

The most curious of all, is that Doblas, he was unemployed after terminating with Real Zaragoza 2013. Born in Seville in 1980, Doblas left the quarry Betis then defend the framework of the first team since bético 2004 hasta 2008, period of time in which won the Cup of the King as verdiblanco. After he played up to three different stages in the Zaragoza, Huesca, Sherry (where he was also twice) and a brief stint in an unknown team Arzebaiyán. Since he was without a team.

Toni Doblas AFE
Toni Doblas was without equipment and training in sessions AFE.

El portero, he was acting in selecting AFE (Association of Spanish Footballers). Directed by former Levante player, Luis Manuel Rubiales, AFE has managed to put many players in unemployment in recent years thanks mainly to the AFE sessions and various friendly matches but had never managed to find accommodation to any player at such a high level. The truth is that the body performs a vital function for Spanish players, especially for the more modest.

Injury Rafael, Substitute goalkeeper score of Napoli, opened wide the doors of one of the best teams in Europe when surely the least expected goal. But it does, when no first or second set, he had found a hole in your templates.

He signed for a few months and so far has already been summoned, going to feel footballer. Its role in the Italian box, It will be at first, that of being the deputy of the Spanish goalkeeper Pepe Reina also, but the truth is that to participate in friendlies to play in one of the best European teams of the time also remains in European competition is a world and shows, that football as life, a veces, the second and even third chances.

Italy Soccer Serie A
Tony Doblas, of unemployment to share a dressing room with world stars as Hamsik.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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