Victor Osimhem, the fashionable striker in Europe

Víctor Osimhem, el delantero de moda en Europa
Victor Osimhen is currently one of the most fashionable forwards. But he overcame a difficult situation during his childhood for it. FOTO:

Last update 22 February, 2023 por Alberto Llopis

Victor Osimhem is one of those footballers with a tough personal history behind that he has forged his character. And it is that the Nigerian footballer of Napoli, nation in Lagos, the nigerian capital in 1998 and lived and grew up with his family in Olusosun, known for being one of the largest dumping grounds in Africa, located on the outskirts of the capital and where the garbage of the more than 7 million inhabitants of the overcrowded african city.

Allí, the now fashionable forward of European football, he sold bags of water for the workers and rummaged through the garbage. It was precisely there that he found his first football boots., a sport that saved his life and that of his family.

“Sometimes I would find an old Adidas for the right foot… and a Reebok for the left. I saw it as a game, but it was pure survival” Osimhem commented in some interviews with various media.

Victor Osimhem, the dagger of a Napoli that goes like a rocket

He is now one of the most sought-after forwards in European football, even sounds for clubs like Atlético de Madrid. Something that is normal considering that Napoli goes directly to the Scudetto of Serie A with a wide advantage over the second and also paints a revelation of the Champions League.

But its beginnings were not easy. He Wolfsburg brought it to Europe in 2015 still in youthful age, but it did not finish settling and was even discarded by some German clubs for not passing the medical review. That led him to Charleroi and Lille where his good work made the Neapolitans pay for him a whopping 75 million in 2020.

With the blue of Napoli he has a stream of goals but also injuries. And it is that his hard life in the largest dump in Nigeria had to take its toll. Victor Osimhem has suffered various serious injuries, He even has some plates and screws already on his body, in addition to playing with his well-known mask.. But none of it seems to stop a man who is thrown. And more after what he lived in his childhood.

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Victor Osimhen with his mythical mask in a match with Napoli. FOTO:

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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