Wilfred, the legendary goalkeeper Rayo Vallecano

Wilfred, el mítico portero del Rayo Vallecano
Wilfred was an idol in Vallecas and left his mark on LaLiga PHOTO: Youtube capture

Last update 30 May, 2023 por Alberto Llopis

Wilfred Agbonavbare was the goalkeeper for Rayo Vallecano for much of the 1990s. A childhood soccer classic for many of today's 30-somethings. He was one of those players who stood out more for his delivery than for his talent, but nevertheless it was not bad goalkeeper. A humble player fighter and both of which abounded profile in football of yesteryear. And of those who left their mark. because it was one of the most charismatic players of his time.

Eternal Wilfred

He came to the Lightning in 1990 and he held for six seasons defending arc Vallecas. He had a simple beginnings in the world of football. He debuted with only 18 years in the selection of Nigeria and the thing did not do anything right. They got five goals and as often in these cases, they hung the poster cantarín. This cost will not be selected again until ten years later.

Went to USA World Cup in 1994 thanks to his performances on the grass of the vallecas stadium. With its peculiar appearance, his round face and his peculiar mustache, He won over the fans with their stops, humility and work. Then he went to Écija where he ended up as a professional in the season 1996-97 in Second Division.

Wilfred had to live closely with racism and the ultra phenomenon of the years 90 and unfortunately, he lived in the first person afternoons like one at the Bernabéu in the mid-s 90. But Willy, as always, faced everything with humility and grandeur..

Appearance in the 'Infiltrator Chief’ and death

En 2012 He stepped on the Vallecas grass again to receive a well-deserved tribute and the last thing that was heard from him until his illness, was that despite having been in a World Cup and having played many years in the First Division, I was working as a delivery boy for a transport company on the outskirts of Madrid. Wilfred was even out in the program “The Undercover Boss” Spanish version.

Sadly, el 27 of January of 2015, it emerged that the Nigerian was seriously ill with cancer that took him forever few days after becoming public. Certainly a sad end for one of those players of yesteryear always remain in the memory of football fans.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Colgadosporelfutbol.com. Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol


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