Xavi, the most successful Spanish player history

Xavi, el jugador español más laureado de la historia

Last update 6 June, 2015 por Alberto Llopis

Xavi Hernandez from Barcelona takes leave big. The Terrasa, team leaves life club lifting the trophy most coveted in the world, which it is arguably the best tournament in the world, la Champions League. And it does well with the second hat-trick in its history. Gracias a ello, Xavi, It becomes the most successful Spanish player in history ahead of Paco Gento.

Con 8 Suspenders, Xavi outperforms other barcelonistas that had reached six: jeans (Real society 2 and Barcelona 4), Guardiola (Barcelona), Julio Salinas (Athetic Club 2 and Barcelona 4) and Zubizarreta (Athletic Club 2 and Barcelona 4).

Pero no sólo eso, 4 Champions, 3 King's Cups, 5 Supercopas de España, 2 European Super Cups, 2 Mundiales de clubes, 1 World selections with Spain and 2 Eurocopas also with the Spanish selection, contemplate a track record of legend for a player of legend. A total of 27 titles. Francisco Gento with 23 Spanish is the second most successful club played while active, players like Iker Casillas won 21 titles.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Colgadosporelfutbol.com. Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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