Koke dock at gunpoint and steal a watch from 70.000 euros

Last update 9 December, 2022 por Alberto Llopis

El jugador del Atlético de Madrid and the Spanish team Koke Resurrection he experienced what may be the worst drink of his life when he was robbed at gunpoint in a parking lot in Madrid, according to the newspaper El Mundo. The events occurred in a parking lot Olavide Square, in the Madrid district of Chamberí.

Koke is robbed and a watch is stolen from him. 70.000 euros

According to the World, an individual on a motorcycle followed the player and when Koke rolled down the window of his car to pick up the ticket parking access, the robber pointed a gun at him and asked him his watch valued at 70.000 euros. Logically the player did not resist and handed the valuable object.

The motorist fled the crime scene quickly. After the event, the player went to the police station of the district to file the complaint. According to El Mundo, Police have already possess the parking security images to locate the offender. Incredible but true what happened in such a busy place in Madrid.

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