They tempt Buffon with the possibility of winning the Champions League before retiring

Tientan a Buffon con la posibilidad de ganar la Champions League antes de retirarse
Buffon says goodbye to Juventus (Foto: Reuters)

Last update 18 May, 2018 por Javi Argudo

“Hasta hace 15 days was clear that I retired football, now I'm not so clear”. That was one of the phrases we left the press conference yesterday Gigi Buffon in his farewell as a player of Juventus after 17 seasons in which he has won almost everything.

Precisely that 'almost’ It is what tempts the player now when finally hanging up his boots. Juventus has offered a fee, como no podía ser de otra forma, so the doorman would tied to his lifelong club this time in offices. Sin embargo, there is a club that offers a very juicy contract and especially the possibility of aspiring to win the Champions League, the only major title missing to get.

According to Le Parisien, PSG has offered a two-year contract at a rate of 8 million euros per season to the Italian goalkeeper who, he said yesterday, You will think much during 2 o 3 days before making a final decision. At the moment, Buffon will play his last game against Verona this weekend at home to say goodbye to what has been your hobby all these years and soon we will know if we can still enjoy a couple of years.

Javi Argudo

Football Geek. The first great experience of my life was to discover the PC Football. You can follow me on @JaviArgudo
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