Juanito's stomp on Lothar Matthäus

El pisotón de Juanito a Lothar Matthäus
Moment in which Juanito stepped on the head of Lothar Matthäus. FOTO: Youtube Capture

Last update 12 December, 2022 por Alberto Llopis

No one ever better described themselves than you did Juanita. El mítico 7 Madrid night defined 8 de abril de 1987 as the man of the two yos: the bad, He is representing a visceral man, a suddenly scary and unpredictable in their movements; and good, embodying repentance, good heart and kindness itself.

The day Juanito stepped on Matthäus's head

That evening semifinals of the UEFA Cup, el Olímpico de Múnich unfortunately witnessed the two faces of Juanita. In a match full of tension and friction (like a hard entrance Lothar Matthäus to Chendo), minute running 37 match when a foul Matthew in midfield without apparent importance was magnified by the white striker. With the German player lying on the field, Juanito lost his temper and stepped on the head and neck of the Bavarian midfielder.

The grotesque and no recommended action to see for sensitive minds, he brought about the expulsion from the party and a penalty of five years without playing in European competitions. Sin embargo, that very fact also allowed to see the good side of 7 blanco. instants, After retiring from the field, Juanita He publicly apologized for the terrible event and showed all his repentance, really crestfallen by the facts.

Not content with his apology, extremeño player gave her a cloak and rapier bullfighter Matthäus as a token of apology. It was another step in a relationship that would eventually ending in friendship. That was Juanito, fast forward, skilled, outsmart spent ten years in the white club won five League, 2 UEFA Cups and a Pichichi leaving an indelible memory until a 2 de abril de 1992 a terrible accident ended his life. It was the epilogue to an intense life, as long as his career was on a pitch.

Juanito y Matthäus paces
This is how Juanito and Matthäus made peace after the stomp. FOTO: AS TV

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in Colgadosporelfutbol.com and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982


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