An Argentine goalkeeper summoned to play with the selection of Chile

Un portero argentino convocado para jugar con la selección de Chile
Gabriel Arias (Foto: Publimetro)

Last update 7 April, 2018 por Javi Argudo

The Chilean national team, it will not be in the next World Russia 2018, It has already begun the process of rebuilding the upcoming appointments. Directed by the Colombian coach, Reinaldo Rueda, 'The Red’ Monday will begin a new stage.

A new feature is the presence in the notice of Argentine goalkeeper Gabriel Arias. The former captain of Defense and Justice has Chilean nationality because their grandparents were born in that country. El guardameta, currently playing in the European Union La Calera in Chile, llegó a disputar 99 games with the shirt of the Argentine team that became captain.

In the next citation will not be the heavyweights of the Chilean team, that they are in the final stretch of the championships with their clubs like Arturo Vidal, Alexis Sanchez, Gary Medel or self Claudio Bravo.

Javi Argudo

Football Geek. The first great experience of my life was to discover the PC Football. You can follow me on @JaviArgudo
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